Comments on this webpage are welcome at the guestbook (see right).
Submissions are welcome! Just about any addition you would like to make to this website
can be considered. Would you like to photograph and describe a site you have visited?
I am thrilled to include work other than my own in this online collection.
You would of course be given full credit and can keep the copyright on anything
you submit. I would post a link to your webpage as well. If you have any ideas,
please contact me at
sitesofmemory @
If you want to contribute a memorial or monument to this site, please follow
these guidlines:
Get one or two "panarama" shots showing the site in context and, as far as possible,
the various elements of the site in relation to each other.
Get detail photographs of all the important elements, especially text.
Photograph it such that the marker should be completely "readable" online. Of course
this does not apply to cemeteries. The point is not to record every stone, but to
provide details of all the ideological and artistic elements that make up the site.
Include a description of what is where at the site. If there are various elements of the
site, as at a cemetery or memorial ensemble or complex, describe in words how the
elements in the photos relate to each other in space. Read some of my submissions
for examples.
If you can, please include a translation of any
text on the site if the marker is not in one of those languages. If you can't, that
is not a major obstacle. Submit it anyway.
If you know anything about the history of the marker, please include that information.
If you cannot follow these guidlines because you already have the photos and cannot
return to the site, the shots may be usable anyway. Not all of the sites included so
far have been 100%.
All material published at remains the copyright of the original author.
Bear in mind that the purpose of this site is not to remember as such, but to
study remembrance.
Wish List
Sites I would particularly like to have someone submit for this webpage include:
mass grave sites for victims of Allied and Axis air attacks during World War Two
civil rights movement monuments in Kelly Ingram Park, in Birmingham, Alabama
Southeast Asian war and genocide memorials (Vietnam, Cambodia)
"totalitarian" monuments and memorials, especially from North Korea, China, Iran
and Iraq.
Soviet memorials and Russian memorials to the Soviet Afghan War
the Fank Zappa memorial in Vilnius, Lithuania and the John Lennon "Strawberry Fields" memorial in New York City
memorials/monuments to the Herero Rebellion of 1904 or other colonial wars
memorials to unusual constituencies (animals, religious groups, etc.)
memorials to the Chaco War (indeed, anything from Latin America would be interesting)
memorials to transportation catastrophes (Überlingen, Ramstein,
Eschede, Estonia, the Old 97, etc.)
memorials to the Winter War of 1939-1940 (are there even any Soviet
memorials to this conflict?)