War memorial in Sedrano

Pictures and text by Jessica L. Richardson

This memorial to Sedrano's Fallen Sons of WWI and WWII is located in the center of the small village of Sedrano, Italy. The pillar is situated directly across from the Church of San Giacomo. These pictures were taken on November 15th, 2009.

A rock by a lamp post that tells who built the memorial. Translation in English: Group A.N.A. S (an). Quirino, To the fallen
Full front view of the memorial.
Full right view of the memorial.
Full left view of the memorial.
Full back view of the memorial.
Close up of the top front plaque. Translation in English: People of Sedrano its children who fell, those who succumbed, for the terrible war, this eternal remembrance. 1915-1918
Close up of the bottom front plaque. Translation in English: War 1940-1945 Fallen on the field. Soldier Rosset Angelo di Ernesto November 17 1940 Chosen Corporal Cattaruzza Giuseppe fu Angelo 1943 Soldier Cattaruzza Alfredo di Luigi 1944
Close up of the top right plaque. Translation in English: Disease deaths Soldier Cattaruzza Giovanni di Cesa. February 5 1918 Soldier Gandin Giacomo di Osvaldo April 16 1918 Soldier Scagnol Luigi di Carlo November 1 1918 Corporal-Major Cattaruzza Giuseppe di Gius. November 17 1918 Soldier Gambin Augusto di Osvaldo December 10 1918 Soldier Rosset Vittorio di Antonio February 22 1919 Soldier Cattauzza Sigismondo Fu Gui. January 12 1920 Sergeant Cattaruzza Giuseppe fu Giu. July 7 1921 Soldier Scagnol Sante di Carlo July 18 1921 Soldier Cattaruzza Augusto fu Guis. May 22 1922
Close up of the bottom right plaque. Translation in English: War 1940- 1945 Fallen on the field Corporal Scagnol Dovilio di Pietro 1945 died of disease Chosen Corporal Cattaruzza Luciano di Ermenegildo July 15 1942
Close up top left plaque. Translation in English: Killed in combat and of injuries Corporal Meiorin Giuseppe di Angelo June 11 1915 Soldier De Bortoli Sante di Angelo July 16 1915 Soldier Cattaruzza Osvaldo di Ange. July 27 1915 Soldier Cattaruzza Umberto di Ant. September 11 1915 Soldier Cattaruzza Angelo fu Giusep. May 8 1915 Corporal Zanin Angelo di Carlo June 13 1916 Corporal-Major Scagnol Giuseppe di Carol September 16 1916 Corporal-Major Scagnol Pietro di Sante May 9 1917 Soldier Cattaruzza Giuseppe di Amad. August 21 1917 Soldier Del Col Giulio di Angelo August 21 1917 Lieutenant Cattaruzza Adriano di Danie. November 15 1917 Soldier Pellegrin Guido di Augusto October 22 1918 Soldier Santarossa Renato July 24 1943 Soldier Cattaruzza Antonio March 15 1943
Close up of left bottom plaque. Translation in English: War 1940-1945 Missing Soldier Turchet Oreste fu Benedetto 1943 Soldier Turchet Marcello fu Benedetto 1943
Close up of the plaque on the back of the pillar. Translation in English: Cattaruzza Angelo fallen in the line of duty. March 16, 1914 to September 7, 1936

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