These pictures were taken on a hill outside Oberndorf (Rottenburg)on October tth, 2007. The village
was celebrating the 60th anniversary of the chapel's construction (5 October, 1947) with
a jubilee service of worship. The photos are described here.
Commentary and background information on the history behind the event
and the chapel is at the blog.
Before the ceremony began at 15:00, a local band set up and lots of people gathered. It was
very difficult to count the crowd but it was over 100 people, significantly more people than
usually show up to memorial events in Tübingen.
This only shows part of the crowd. Many were left standing behind and to the right.
The Catholic worship service included singing by the congregation and a choir, chants of
praise .
This is part of the Via Dolorosa ("Kreuzweg") which leads to the chapel.
After the ceremony, people milled around talking to each other, peaking inside the chapel,
and eating snacks.
This shows the entrance to the small chapel.
In the entryway on the left, there is a picture showing the men from Oberndorf who were
killed in the war.
On the right, two plaques describe the history of the chapel.
"On Easter evening 1944 bombs fell near the edge of town during a meeting of the church
council. Under the impression of this event, the men who had gathered with subregens A. Barth
pledged to put the town under the special protection of Mary and to erect a small wayside
chapel, a Via Dolorosa and a chapel on the Tannenrain hill. / The wayside chapel was completed
in 1944, the Via Dolorosa in 1945. / The chapel was dedicated on 7 October, 1947 after the
dedicated work of the entire congregation and vicar Drissner. / At this place the town of
Oberndorf gives thanks for having come through the war unscathed and asks for the further
protection of Mary."
(Am Osterabend 1944 fielen während einer Sitzung es Kirchengemeinderates am Ortsrand
Fliegerbomben. Die um Subregens A. Barth versammelten Männer gelobten noch unter diesem
Eindrück, die Gemeinde unter den besonderen Schütz Mariens zu stellen und auf dem
Tannenrain ein Bildstöcklein, einen Kreuzweg und eine Kapelle zu errichten. / Das Bildstöcklein
wurde 1944, der Kreuzweg 1945 erstellt. / Die Kapelle konnte bereits am 5. Oktober 1947 nach
dem tatkräftigen Einsatz der ganzen Gemeinde und Vikar Drißner eingeweiht werden. / Die
Gemeinde Oberdorf dankt an diesem Ort für das gute Überstehen des Krieges und bittet
weiterhin um den Schutz Mariens.)
The altar reads "After this misery show us Jesus."
(Nach diesem Elende zeige uns Jesus.) It is part of a Benedictine rosary prayer.
Behind the benches where the crowd had been seated for the service, there were large signs
up which described the wartime events which led to the decision to build the chapel and
the construction. The signs included photos and large facsimiles of the early documents.
Eye-witnesses to the events of 60 years before and people who recognized faces in the photos
pointed things out and the documents and told their friends and neighbors about what they