Allied military cemetery in Naples

Pictures and text by Tyler Deschane

The pictures were taken on the 26th of November, 2009. This cemetery was built November of 1943, and contains casualties from World War Two Allied soldiers who died in hospitals in and around Naples.

This is the plaque just to the left of the small gates that lead in. The dates are for the dead buried in the cemetery, who all died in the Naples area between 1939 and 1945.
This lists the number of casualties from their respective countries. Upon inspection, the United States recovered all of our dead in the area, none are listed.
Here are the actual graves, there is another group matching them across a well maintained grassy area. While most of the graves are single, some have two or three headstones in close proximity, showing military members who died together or in close proximity, as exhibited by a triple set commemorating three members of her Majesty's Armored Cavalry. "Fear naught," read the inscription above their names.

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