These pictures were taken on 14 Februrary, 2006 in Marburg. The synagogue was
destroyed during the Reichskristallnacht pogroms of November 9th, 1938. The
gab in the street was left as is and is now a kind of park in the university quarter
of the city, on Universitaetsstrasse right across the street from a
McDonald's restaurant.
This is the view from across the street.
This is on the left, looking across the "park" to toward the marker.
This is the view of the marker from the sidewalk.
The marker reads, "In memory of the November 9th, 1938 desecrating destruction
of the synagogue and of the murdered Jewish fellow citizens". The term "Mitbürger"
to designate "fellow citizens" has a slightly less inclusionary connotation than the
English I have used here. In recent years it has fallen out of use as it has come to imply second-class
citizen status. The wreaths are from the Marburg Society of Christian-Jewsih Cooperation
(white), from the president of the Marburg university (red), and from the city of Marburg
(red, white and blue).