Cemetery Section for World War Two Graves in Marburg

Pictures and text by Mark R. Hatlie

These pictures were taken on 13 Februrary, 2006 in the main city cemetery in Marburg. There are three large areas dedicated to the dead from the Second World War. One is in front of the main memorial marker; the other two are one level lower on both sides of a central path.

This is the main memorial marker. It reads, "To the dead of the World War 1939-1945".
There are eight wreaths. I have listed information on them below.
These thick markers are spread around in rows on the three fields.
This is the view from atop the main memorial looking down on the upper-most grave field. The multi-level nature of the whole cemetery is visible here. When I took the picture, I was standing on a normal walking path near other graves.
Each marker has two names on each of the four sides. Each name is followed by dates of birth and death.
This is the view looking back at the main memorial across the first field of graves.
Turning around from that position, this is the view looking down another level to the other two fields of markers.
At the end of the path, there is a bench and this marker.
It shows three small crosses and reads, "Wherever you are brothers, in the eastern steppes, in swamps and forests, unreachable. But you are not forgotten. For you too these crosses stand watch" (Wo ihr auch seid Brüder / in der östlichen Steppe/ in Sumpf und Wald / uns unerreichbar / vergessen seid ihr nicht / auch für Euch halten Wacht diese Kreuze).
These last pictures show markers from the lower two areas.

The wreaths are from:

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Mark R. Hatlie (ViSdM)
Im Feuerhägle 1
D-72072 Tübingen

sitesofmemory @ hatlie.de



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