These pictures were taken on 13 Februrary, 2006 in Marburg.
According to Dr. Peter Woerster of the Marburg Herder Insitute, this lion used to
be located at the Lahntor near the old university, but was moved at some time. He
speculated that it had been moved when the street and bridge over the Lahn were
It now stands right next to the Stadthalle - Erwin - Piscator - Haus
on Biegenstrasse. This is a view from across the street. The lion marker is just
below the center of the picture.
closer up
It reads, "In remembrance to her dead from two world wars / Philips-University".
The wording appears newer than the rest of the statue so it is probably safe to assume
that the lion was originally part of a larger complex built to memorialize the university's
fallen after World War One and "updated" to include the Second World War only later.
Here is a very poor shot of the lion from the other side.