U.S. Military Cemetery in Luxembourg City

Pictures and text by Jennifer Ardila

These pictures were taken on 8 May 2010. The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial is located within the capital city of Luxembourg, 3 miles east in an area called Hamm. The pictures were taken on 8 May 2010, on that day the weather was a little cold and the sky was gray which seemed to add a more nostalgic feeling to the tour. The memorial consists of a tall square chapel of stone that was placed upon a podium, along each side there are two flights of steps, and a courtyard that overlooks the graves area. Also two pylons are located at each side when coming down from the steps, one side of the stone contains the names of missing soldiers and the other side contains operations maps used during WW II. The cemetery is one of the fourteen permanent World War II American military cemeteries established on foreign soil by the American Battle Monuments Commission. The cemetery was constructed on 29 December 1944 by the U.S. Third Army by order of General George S. Patton as a temporary burial ground. During the time when the cemetery was been constructed Allied Forces were engaged in fighting the enemy's Aredennes offensive known as the "Battle of the Bulge." Many of the brave soldier who died during WW II especially the once that lost their lives in "The Battle of the Bulge", those that did air operations and those who fought eastward to the Rhine they rest in peace along with General Patton and an Army nurse in this cemetery. The Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial was completed on 16 December 1949 the burial area contains 5,076 of our brave soldiers who died for the cause of freedom amongst them was an army nurse and General Patton.

This first picture was taken at the entrance of the cemetery. The cemetery is guarded by a tall blue iron gate that has golden wreaths that represent valor. Along each side there are massive stone pillars, engraved are 13 stars that represent the original thirteen colonies. Above each pillar a large bronze eagle has been placed it doesn't state why they were placed there but for most Americans the eagle stands for freedom.
The second picture shows the chapel that rises 50 feet above its podium which was made out of white Valor stone. As one moves further from the cemetery entrance one can observe the seal of the United States of American engraved at the top and at the bottom we can also see an engraved inscription..
The third picture is still of the outside of the chapel, it's a closer view of what is engraved below the seal which is the dedicatory inscription below. 1941-1945 ** IN PROUD REMEMBRANCE OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF HER SONS AND IN HUMBLE TRIBUTE TO THEIR SACRIFICES THIS MEMORIAL HAS BEEN ERECTED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
The fourth picture was taken at an angle which shows the front side of the chapel and the side that contains the inscription and seal. Above the entrance to the chapel there is a huge sculpture of the Angel beneath the sculpture over the entrance door is carved: HERE IS ENSHRINED THE MEMORY OF VALOR AND SACRIFICE.
The fifth pictures shows what the chapel looks like from the inside, there is an altar that reads; "I GIVE UNTO THEM ETERNAL LIFE AND THEY SHALL NEVER PERISH". Also a stainless glass window to the back and on each side of the alter an American flag with bundles of flowers across the floor to remember the fallen soldiers. There are prayer benches if one wishes to pray.
The sixth picture was also taken at an angle, once we depart from the chapel and head down the flight of steps we come upon two huge Pylons located on each side which have the engraved names of missing soldiers and this inscription: HERE ARE RECORDED THE NAMES OF AMERICANS WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUNTRY AND WHO SLEEP IN UNKNOWN GRAVES?
The seventh picture shows more in detail what the outer surface of the Pylons show, which is the names of the men that were never found. As I stood there I felt so overwhelmed because I thought about how I found feel if my husband would never return back from war. All those names on the wall meant someone's, son, father or husband never came home to them alive or dead because their bodies were lost somewhere in the battle field. .
The eighth picture shows a part of the cemetery where graves can be seen as well as the chapel and the two Pylons along each side. There are 5,076 American military dead who lost their lives in the service of their country buried in the cemetery. All these brave and honored men came from all parts of the US. There are 22 couples of brothers that are buried side by side. The Star of David marks the graves of 118 of the Jewish faith and white marble crosses mark the other graves which can me seen in this picture. There are 101 "Unknowns" whose remains could not be Identified that are also buried in this cemetery. On their headstones are inscribed: HERE RESTS IN HONORED GLORY A COMRADE IN ARMS KNOWN BUT TO GOD.

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