Cemetery memorial and graves for Kaiserstuhl I mining accident in Dortmund

Pictures and text by Mark R. Hatlie

These pictures were taken on 8 June, 2007 in the eastern cemetery (Ostfriedhof) in Dortmund. It was getting dark and I did not have a tripod, so the pictures started to blur.

Each of the dead miners got an iron marker with his name and date of birth.
The front reads, "For the miners who died fulfilling their duty in the Kaiserstuhl I mine on 19 August, 1893 dedicated by the ver. Westfalia Labor Union." (Den in treuer Pflichterfüllung am 19. August 1893 auf Schacht Kaiserstuhl I verunglückten Bergleuten gewidmet von der Gewerkschaft ver. Westfalia.)
The text on the back is identical.

The visit to this location was paid for by a research grant from the
American Public University System.
"Educating those who serve."

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Mark R. Hatlie (ViSdM)
Im Feuerhägle 1
D-72072 Tübingen

sitesofmemory @ hatlie.de



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