Maryland World War Two memorial in Annapolis

Pictures and text by Jesse Knutson

These pictures were taken in Annapolis in July of 2008.

The Pacific Theater globe, closer to the westbound road side.
Exiting the parking lot and entering the steps to the scenic overlook.
Looking down on the Memorial from the scenic overlook.
Entering the memorial area from the parking lot, scenic overlook is on the right.
Looking at the memorial from the right side. The granite pillars are on the left, and the 7 sided star shaped obelisk can be seen underneath the Maryland state flag.
The sunken amphitheater and the granite pillars in the background.
The Atlantic theater granite globe depicting key places and battles in the theater.
Another view of the amphitheater with my wife and daughter exploring.
One of the low granite and steel description stones.
few of the granite pillars with the names of the fallen Marylanders.
One of the sides of the obelisk and etching dedicated to the US Marine Corps.
The Pearl Harbor memorial on site.
A view of the backside of some of the pillars, with the Naval Academy in the background.
Another one of the informative small granite blocks.
A view from the inside of the amphitheater, overlooking the pillars with the Academy in the background.
Looking up from the bottom of the sunken amphitheater at the 7 sided obelisk and flag poles.
A long look at the site. First is the memorial, behind it is the scenic overlook, and behind that would be the parking lot.

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